Katherine Calkin co-hosted with Mike Hodel and Mitch Harding beginning in 1972.
          Kathrine Calkin was born on January 29, 1945 in Hollywood, California. She grew up in Hollywood, attended Hollywood High, and went on to UCLA getting her degree in music then working for the university.
          In 1972 she became a co-host on Hour 25 and began working part time for KPFK in the music library, soon she was hired full time to do programming, announcing, and board operation; she may well have been the first female classical music announcer in the country. In 1976 while still co-hosting Hour 25 she went to work for KUSC, the classical music station in Los Angeles, where she worked full time and hosted an early music program.
          She left radio to begin a new career in technical writing and editing. She worked for a CAD company and Hughes Aircraft on computer manuals, from there she moved to the Boeing satellite devision as a systems analyst.
          -- This material is excerpted from http://www.julianware.com/family.html - 2009-09-18.
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