Hour 25 Archive

          Hour 25 is the longest-running broadcast show dealing with Science Fiction and related topics. It was created by Mike Hodel and Mitch Harding back in 1972. This web site is devoted to preserving the past as well as keeping a record of the show's future.

          Hour 25 has a newsletter which you can get by E-Mail. To subscribe

          Now that Hour 25 is exclusively on the web you can go to the official web site, www.hour25online.com and hear the current and many previous shows.

          If you want to go back, way back, back into time; you can hear some audio clips from the "Good Old Days", just got to The Shows page and choose the year and date you're interested in. The list of shows has sound clip players for a number of broadcasts. You can also listen to my interview of Ron Kelly about his role on Battlestar Galactica; it's 23 minutes.

          So what's available on this web site? Not much yet; but hang in there, something's bound to show up ... some year. :) "Patience Lieutenant, patience." At least I've found the first phone call about starting the Hour 25 archives.


“I Did It So Can You,” is more than a book about losing weight, it also covers relaxation techniques, exercise, stress reduction, and attitude. Its a distillation of the many techniques that have kept me alive for the last 30 years through a series of physical and mental-health challenges. These are the methods I used to go from a depressed, couch bound, fibromyalgia patient, 100 pounds overweight, to a cheerful, vibrant, triking harper.


until February 14,
Valentine's Day

More holidays in February.

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Valentine's Day Videos

Ye Gods

Written By
Anne Collins

Aqua Vita

Written by
Jeremy Bertrand Finch
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Audio Files

Time: 4:37 - School test from 1911.
- So, you think you know a bunch of stuff, I'm sure you do but how will you do on THIS test. I could only answer a few. Take a listen and try your luck.

Time: 24:50 - The American Justice League
- (no connection to the comics) present “The Invasion Of The Mr. Rogers Sweater” and “The Flining.”

Time: 4:23 - Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford
- interview excerpt. [Hmmm, I knew I had this somewhere. Here's a small excerpt from the Mark Hamil, Harrison Ford interview on December 10, 1976. If anyone has the first half of this show, about an hour or so, I'd like to trade for it. :) (Somehow after this long I doubt there's anything out there but what the heck.) Enjoy.

Time: 2:21 - Lary Niven, Jerry Poutnelle, and Poul Anderson
- interview excerpt about the price of gas.

Time: 1:14 - Theodore Sturgeon
- describes meeting Jaqueline Lichtenberg.

Time: 1:12 - Theodore Sturgeon
- talks about Thea Alexander author of 2150 A.D..

Time: 3:02 - Starting the archives
- at least I've found the first phone call about starting the Hour 25 archives.

Time: 7:26 - Soft Core Phonography intro
- Here's an interesting take on “The History Of Radio.”

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